Let's Keep This Alive
9 years ago

Hi there!

There exists many speedruns of White Robe Any%, White Robe All Symbols, Red Robe Any% and Red Robe All Symbols out on YouTube. It'd be nice to see the leaderboards here blossom with all of the times that there are (and more of course)!

Adding more times, finding a suitable background image for /Journey etc., would be nice :)

Edit: ^before I became a moderator. Still need to figure out start timing for all categories though! -31st, March, 2015

OodiGames likes this
Oregon, USA

Will there be a PS4 catagory? im new to Journey speedruns, but Ive tried most all the glitches from PS3 on PS4 and none work. So I feel its unfair (time wise) for us to be grouped with PS3.