Run of the Week Challenge! WEEK 7
2 months ago
Virginia, USA

Hey guys, this is week seven of the Run of the Week Challenge! A specific car and track are selected for the event and you get one week to set your best possible time. And a quick reminder: ALL ARE WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE!


  • Runs must be submitted to this thread with a screenshot (videos are also welcome) showing the finishing time and car. An example can be shown here (car can be visibly seen along with the time):
  • Runs must be submitted before Friday, April 5th at 11:59PM EST
  • All runs must use the car and track combo specified

This week's challenge will be Submerged City with Backdraft. You have a week to submit! Be careful on the first quarterpipe shuffle! Make sure to countersteer earlier than normal with this car. Glhf!

Washington, USA
Deleted by the author
Virginia, USA

That's the wrong car lol. You used "Switchback", the car is "Backdraft".

Washington, USA

oops sorry my bad

DrewPBalls likes this
Washington, USA

Got a failed prompt on the refill on lap 3 so I missed out on sub 3. solid time regardless though

Virginia, USA

Had a solid run! Very silly car!

Virginia, USA

Sub 54! Wowzers!

Colorado, USA

Dry run for right now, missing some key tech now that im looking back at the other runs lol

New Hampshire, USA

Figured I'd give it a spin, almost plat.

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Santa Catarina, Brazil

So close ,_,

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